Iran says frozen funds transferred from South Korea to Qatar
Apagón reportado en Yakutsk
@USTreasury sanction 29 individuals & entities connected to Iran's suppression of protests after the death of Mahsa Amini at the hands of Tehran's Morality Police. Targets include:-18 members of the IRGC & LEF; -Fars, Tasnim & PressTV news outlets; -3 senior officials
The White House: The new sanctions on Iran are linked to human rights violations
El Banco de Rusia aumentó el tipo de interés clave hasta el 13% desde el 12% anual
Turkey and China nearing a nuclear power plant deal. Turkish energy minister says a deal to build a nuclear power plant in eastern Thrace is possible in months as no major issues remain in the negotiations
1 año atrás @USTreasury abofetea a las élites rusas, a la base industrial rusa y a los proveedores de tecnología con casi 100 sanciones. El objetivo es "privar a Putin del equipo, la tecnología y los servicios que necesita para librar su bárbara guerra contra Ucrania" según @SecYellen
European Central Bank (ECB), policy interest rates increased by 25 basis points.The refinancing rate was raised to 4.50%, and the deposit rate to 4.00%
Gran incendio cerca de Saratov tras la despresurización del gasoducto principal
The authorities of Kazakhstan and Turkey intend to intensify the use of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) and increase the supply of goods using it, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu following negotiations in Astana with his Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan
.@StateDeptSpox says the US will be watching the Iranian funds transferred to Qatar closely to make sure they are only spent on humanitarian goods and will "have the ability to freeze them again if we need to."
1 año atrás US Treasury designates Hezbollah operatives and financial facilitators in South America and Lebanon
Déficit de diésel en las regiones de Tula y Lipetsk
Crisis de combustible en Krasnodar Krai de Rusia: el diésel casi no está disponible en las estaciones de servicio
.@TheJusticeDept announced Friday the successful disruption of a multimillion-dollar shipment of crude oil by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that was bound for another country, after seizure of over 980,000 barrels of crude oil carried by Suez Rajan
Primer Ministro de Polonia: No abriremos nuestros mercados a los cereales de Ucrania, independientemente de la decisión de la Unión Europea
Se produjo la despresurización del gasoducto en el distrito de Tikhvin de la región de Leningrado
1 año atrás US imposes sanctions on Sudan's Abdelrahim Dagalo, the brother of RSF commander Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo
La Agencia Europea de Defensa (EDA) firmó el martes (5 de septiembre) ocho contratos con la industria europea para la adquisición conjunta de municiones de 155 mm para Ucrania en la primera medida en la historia de utilizar el bloque para comprar armas de forma colectiva.
Reuters: Washington imposes sanctions on the Deputy Commander of the Rapid Support Forces against the backdrop of his forces' human rights violations in Sudan
Jitender Sachdeva, founder and Group President, Skipper Seil Group, announcing plans to invest $1.6B into Nigeria, in the power sector, over the next 2 years. Says he’s been doing business in Nigeria for 25 years, across healthcare, power and defence
Nairobi Declaration: Africa is not historically responsible for global warming, but bears its consequences
United Nations Secretary-General: Climate collapse has begun
El Servicio de Seguridad de Ucrania acusó al magnate ruso Mikhail Fridman de financiar la guerra contra Ucrania
Incendio de bengala en la empresa Sibur-Nefthekhim en Dzerzhinsk, región de Nizhniy Novgorod
Gran incendio en el depósito de petróleo de Ruchyi en San Petersburgo
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Turquía: Ankara está preparando propuestas sustanciales para la reanudación del acuerdo sobre cereales
Fuerte bajón eléctrico se registra en la región central de Venezuela y la capital Caracas (Detalles)
EU Foreign Minister: We are moving forward with sanctions against Niger
An emergency power outage occurred in Krasnodar in the Western District. The cause was damage to power lines and 6 transformers
Live money map is bussiness map on trade wars, and economics of conflicts: weapons trade, drugs supply, conflicts supply, climate change struggle and consequences of worsening ecology, war related finances, sanctions, transport and other problems, disasters at infrastructure, energy wars
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