22 Februari 2025
First video of Indian Navy Marine Commandos neutralizing the hijacking Attempt of MV Lila Norfolk in the North Arabian Sea1 jaar geleden
First video of Indian Navy Marine Commandos neutralizing the hijacking Attempt of MV Lila Norfolk in the North Arabian Sea
US prosecutors can now bring criminal charges against officials of foreign governments who solicit or accept bribes from U.S. companies.Penalties include fines of up to $250,000, or three times the amount of the bribe received, as well as up to 15 years in prison. Prosecutors will be able to request the extradition of individuals charged under the law, in the case of countries that have an extradition treaty with the U.S
US is reducing Peshmerga funding amid Iraqi Kurdish political tensions
1 jaar geleden
Bloomberg: Container shipping prices increased by 173% due to the diversion of ships in the Red Sea
1 jaar geleden
Reuters: A complete halt to production in the Sharara oil field in Libya due to protests
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Europese Unie: sancties opleggen aan het grootste diamantbedrijf van Rusland, "Alrosa"
1 jaar geleden
Stroomuitval in Zheleznogorsk in de regio Koersk na een luchtaanval op een onderstation
Biden’s @JakeSullivan46 called the Dutch govt to share concerns about ASML sending China equipment for making chips just before a new Dutch ban was to take effect Jan. 1. Shipments of a limited number of machines, which cost tens of millions each, were canceled after US request
1 jaar geleden
Gedeeltelijke stroomuitval in verschillende districten van Kyiv
1 jaar geleden
Black-out in verschillende districten van Cherson
Volgens @FT bespreekt de G7 de inbeslagname van 300 miljard dollar aan activa van de Russische Centrale Bank tegen 24 februari, de tweede verjaardag van de grote Russische aanval op Oekraïne.
The US Department of the Treasury: We imposed sanctions on an Iranian financing network that supports the Houthis in attacks on international shipping
Iran and Russia chief bankers met in Moscow, discussing banking cooperation1 jaar geleden
Iran and Russia chief bankers met in Moscow, discussing banking cooperation
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Danish and French shipping companies announce the resumption of the passage of their ships in the Red Sea
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The countries of the Eurasian Economic Union signed a full-scale free trade agreement with Iran
The White House: We will impose sanctions on foreign banks that support Russia's war efforts
1 jaar geleden
Russische vice-premier Ryabkov: als de VS Russische bevroren tegoeden in beslag nemen of in geval van verdere militaire escalatie, zal Rusland de diplomatieke betrekkingen kunnen verbreken
1 jaar geleden
Angola leaves OPEC
Development Bank (AfDB) says inter’l staff withdrawal due to Ethiopia’s failure to resolve assault complaint, employees feel unsafe, insecure
US Treasury Department website: New sanctions on Iran target entities in Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Indonesia
Spanish state to acquire 10% of Telefonica: government
1 jaar geleden
Pentagon: Houthi attacks pose a threat to the freedom of global trade
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Stroomuitval in verschillende districten van de regio Vinnytsia als gevolg van een storing in de elektriciteitscentrale van Ladyzhyn
1 jaar geleden
Russische agressieoorlog tegen Oekraïne: @EURaad stemt in met twaalfde pakket economische en individuele sancties tegen diamanten en import/export, en draait de schroef op het omzeilen van EU-sancties aan
1 jaar geleden
Evergreen Shipping Company announces that it will temporarily stop accepting the transportation of Israeli goods
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Oil giant BP is suspending all shipping through the Red Sea due to the "deteriorating security situation". It comes after major shipping firms Maersk, Hapag-Lloyd & CMA CGM Group all decided to pause shipping through there amid Houthi rocket/missile/drone attacks on vessels
1 jaar geleden
Maersk announces the temporary cessation of all container shipping operations through the Red Sea
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Premier @PM_ViktorOrban legt zijn blokkering van de hulp aan Oekraïne uit: "De situatie in Oekraïne is slecht. We moeten dus niet meer geld sturen om de oorlog te financieren, maar eerder de oorlog beëindigen en een staakt-het-vuren en vredesbesprekingen voeren."
1 jaar geleden
Geen stroom en communicatie in Kostiantynivka vanaf 03.00 uur
1 jaar geleden
Reports that a power surge moments ago across parts of New York and New Jersey caused electricity to momentarily flicker. Witness reports an explosion at Con Edison facility in Brooklyn