23 Luty 2025
The European Union approves sanctions on Hamas targeting 6 individuals linked to financing the movement
1 rok temu
Zgłoszono niewielki pożar w rafinerii w Riazaniu
President of the European Central Bank: The world may witness more "tax fragmentation" and it must fix the situation
W Klince w obwodzie briańskim płoną 4 zbiorniki z benzyną
Today in Stary Oskol there was a short circuit at the electrical substation in the locomotive depot
Treasury: Hennesea Holdings ltd is beneficial owner of 18 vessels, including one previously identified as transporting Russian crude priced above $60/barrel
1 rok temu
Awarie w Symferopolu, Sewastopolu, Teodozji, Dżankojach i Sakach na okupowanym Krymie
Iranian Foreign Minister: The sanctions on Iran are unilateral and illegal. We have the right to export oil and we will continue to defend our rights
Guterres: The consequences of international divisions will be disastrous for the countries of the world
Guterres: The gradual phase-out of fossil fuels is necessary and inevitable
Wstępnie dwie osoby zostały ranne w wyniku pożaru w fabryce poliestrów Szachtinski w obwodzie rostowskim
Pożar zakładów chemicznych w Szachtach w obwodzie rostowskim po zgłoszonym wybuchu
Reuters: Aramco CEO says it is possible to deal with attacks in the Red Sea in the short term
1 rok temu
Wall Street Journal: Shell believes that the risks in the Red Sea threaten the safety of ships
The European Union Council announces the imposition of sanctions on the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Sinwar
Awarie w Pawłohradzie i Krzywym Rogu w obwodzie dniepropietrowskim spowodowane trudnymi warunkami pogodowymi
Chinese Prime Minister: Lack of confidence exacerbates risks to global growth
1 rok temu
Reports, monitoring centers and energy experts: Tankers loaded with Kuwaiti oil changed their course to avoid entering Bab al-Mandab due to Red Sea tensions.
Lapid accuses PM of playing politics with budget while 'businesses are collapsing'
Houthi spokesman: We consider all U.S. and British ships and warships participating in the "aggression" against our country as targets.
Freight container volumes through Red sea region have fallen by around 65% from expected values1 rok temu
Freight container volumes through Red sea region have fallen by around 65% from expected values
Produkcja benzyny wysokooktanowej w Rosji spadła po awarii agregatu w rafinerii Łukoilu (Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez NORSI)
1 rok temu
Bloomberg: A Qatari liquefied gas tanker stopped in the Red Sea and another in the Mediterranean
1 rok temu
Bloomberg: 3 liquefied gas tankers belonging to Qatar stopped off the coast of Oman
1 rok temu
Bloomberg: Navigation data confirms that Qatar stopped 5 liquefied gas tankers due to tensions in the Red Sea
Dostawy ciepła zostały przerwane w Nowomoskowsku w obwodzie tulskim po wypadku w lokalnej elektrowni
1 rok temu
Loud explosions were heard this morning from the Bezan compound in Haifa. The Bezan group said that the circumstances are being investigated: "This is a statistical phenomenon that occurs occasionally, there is no danger to the workers and the public" ; The Ministry of Environmental Protection: "The facility was stopped immediately and the fault is being handled by the plant"
Operator rosyjskiej sieci energetycznej Rosseti narzucił harmonogram ciągłych przerw w dostawie prądu w obwodzie rostowskim
1 rok temu
Awarie w kilku dzielnicach Rostowa nad Donem i Bataisk
Houthi’s have reportedly struck a “dark fleet” (AIS turned off) Russian tanker earlier today, Aframax Khalissa