REPORTER: You promised to try to reduce costs, and so many of the products that would be tariffed, when they come into the country, the outgoing country is not paying the tariff, the buyers in the US pay that, and then that's passed on to consumers. TRUMP: There could be some temporary short-term disruption, and people will understand that
1 месяц назадTrump says he's "absolutely" going to impose tariffs on the EU
1 месяц назадTrump says he's tariffing Canada oil at 10 percent
1 месяц назадTrump: "We're gonna put tariffs on chips. We're gonna put tariffs on oil and gas. That'll happen fairly soon. I think around the 18th of February
White House: Trump to impose 25% tariffs on goods from Canada and Mexico on Saturday, and 10% tariffs on goods from China
Открытое горение ликвидировано на предприятии "Сибур-Кстово" после атаки беспилотника, сообщили власти.
Justin Trudeau has said that Canada is "ready for whatever scenario comes forward" regarding possible tariffs
The highest-ranking Treasury official is expected to depart soon after a clash with Elon Musk allies over their demands for access to a sensitive internal government payment system, sources say. Musk allies wanted access to the system responsible for disbursing trillions in fed payments annually as part of DOGE. Treasury career staff saw request as highly unusual. David A. Lebryk, viewed internally as consummate nonpolitical civil servant, expected to exit after joining Treasury in 1989. Last week, he was acting treasury secretary
Indonesia aims to produce 900,000 barrels in 24 hours-1 mil barrels in 24 hours of oil by 2028-2029
1 месяц назадГенштаб Вооруженных сил Украины подтвердил факт нанесения ударов с использованием беспилотников по нефтеперерабатывающему заводу Лукойл-Волгограднефтепереработка в Волгоградской области России
1 месяц назадБеспилотники атаковали нефтеперерабатывающий завод в Волгоградской области
1 месяц назадUS President Donald J Trump posts, "The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar, while we stand by and watch, is OVER. We are going to require a commitment from these seemingly hostile countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. economy. They can go find another sucker nation. There is no chance that BRICS will replace the U.S. Dollar in International Trade, or anywhere else, and any Country that tries should say hello to Tariffs, and goodbye to America!"
1 месяц назадTrump: "Mexico and Canada have never been good to us on trade. They've treated us very unfairly on trade. And we will be able to make that up very quickly because we don't need the products that they have. We have all the oil you need. We have all the trees you need, meaning the the lumber."
В Краматорском районе зафиксированы отключения электроэнергии
1 месяц назадФИРМЫ НАСА зафиксировали жару возле Новозыбкова после ночной атаки беспилотников
1 месяц назадTrump criticizes Jerome Powell and the Fed on inflation, bank regulation, climate change, etc
1 месяц назадПожарные, работающие на химзаводе Сибур-Кстово после ночной атаки беспилотников
Transnistria welcomes the EU's intention to provide an emergency financial grant for short-term support amid the humanitarian and energy crisis
Беспилотники атаковали военный арсенал (23-й артиллерийский арсенал) в поселке Октябрьский Тверской области и нефтеперекачивающую станцию в поселке Ерохино
Беспилотники атаковали нефтеперерабатывающий завод в Кстово Нижегородской области
Словакия заблокирует всю помощь ЕС Украине, если Зеленский не восстановит транзит газа. Зеленский — враг Словакии, — заявил премьер-министр Роберт Фицо
National Oil Corporation: Oil operations are continuing normally in all oil fields and ports. We have contacted the protesters who organized a protest this morning at the ports of Sidra and Ras Lanuf. We reassure all Libyans and local and international partners that production operations
Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ members have not yet responded to Trump's call to lower oil prices, Reuters reports. According to the agency, ministers of the cartel countries held a meeting. After it, they stated that OPEC does not plan to change the current plan, which involves increasing production from April. And the agenda of the cartel meeting scheduled for February 3 will not undergo changes.
В Умани Черкасской области произошло отключение электроэнергии из-за повреждения российскими беспилотниками критически важной инфраструктуры
US President Trump is preparing to place tariffs beyond Chinese assembled electronics to computer chips made in Taiwan, warning the tariffs could reach as high as 100%
Britain imposes new sanctions on Belarus
1 месяц назадВ результате атаки беспилотников на Рязанском НПЗ 26 января повреждена установка подготовки нефти АВТ-4
Верховный представитель ЕС по иностранным делам и политике безопасности Кая Каллас: Министры иностранных дел ЕС только что согласились снова продлить санкции против России. Это продолжит лишать Москву доходов для финансирования ее войны. Россия должна заплатить за ущерб, который они наносят
President Gustavo Petro announced the imposition of tariffs on the United States, after that country applied the measure to Colombian exports. The president assured that the American product that enters Colombia will have a 50% tariff.
President Donald Trump announced sanctions following the Colombian government's decision not to allow the entry of two flights with deported compatriots. Increased tariffs and revocation of visas for government officials are among the measures
Live money map is bussiness map on trade wars, and economics of conflicts: weapons trade, drugs supply, conflicts supply, climate change struggle and consequences of worsening ecology, war related finances, sanctions, transport and other problems, disasters at infrastructure, energy wars
Colors on the map
Authoritarian countries
Democratic countries
Non-government organizations and groups
Non-aligned, Nature Icons
ДТП, события на дорогах
Артиллерия, РСЗО
Лагеря, палатки
Ранен/Медицинская помощь
Коктейли молотова
Заблокирована дорога
Танки, БТРы, бронетехника
Головорезы, люди в масках
Радиоактивные материалы
Корабль, Военный корабль
Gas, chemical weapons
Дроны, роботы
Митинг, протесты, демонстрации, толпы
Заложники и беженцы
Глушат связь, помехи, радары
Винтовка, вооруженные люди
Хакеры, компьютеры
Изображение (фото)
Деньги, финансы
Наземные мины, СВУ
Железная дорога
Нет воды
Подводная лодка
Отключение электричества
Биологическая опасность
Природный катаклизм
Транспортный или гражданский самолет
Спасательная операция
Мобильные приложения
Животные, дикая природа
Animals: Cat
Animals: Dog
Stocks Down
Animals: Snake
Animals: Panda(rare animals)
Animals: Horse
Animals: Cow
Animals: Lion
Animals: Shark
Animals: Wolf
Animals: Bear
Machine Gun
Stun grenade
Airplanes: light plane
Cruise Missile
FPV drone
Map Change Event
Missile Airborne
Large explosive drone(Shahed)
Air Alert
Aerostat, High-Altitude balloon ApplyAdditional symbols
Chemical facility
Gas or Oil facility
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