7 Mart 2025
Blackout in Yerevan after fire at hydropower station in Razdan gorge
Dağıstan'ın Khasavyurt kentindeki trafo merkezinde yangın8 ay önce
Dağıstan'ın Khasavyurt kentindeki trafo merkezinde yangın
Rostov bölgesinde elektrik gücünün karneye bağlanmasına başlandı
Krasnodar Krayı'nın Pavlovskaya köyüne düzenlenen drone saldırısının ardından8 ay önce
Krasnodar Krayı'nın Pavlovskaya köyüne düzenlenen drone saldırısının ardından
The European Union has carried out its threat to impose provisional tariffs on imports of electric cars from China of up to 37.6%, according to the bloc's Official Journal
8 ay önce
Vučić called on the leaders of the "We don't give Jadar" protest to take a polygraph together, to see who was "paid"
ABD, Ukrayna'ya 2,3 milyar avroluk yeni askeri yardım yapacağını duyurdu
The Saudi Minister of Energy announces new discoveries of oil and natural gas in the Eastern Province and the Empty Quarter
NATO representatives have expressed concern over Russia's actions in the NorthSea over the potential mining of critical Western infrastructure. Russian ships reportedly performed as many as a thousand suspicious manoeuvres
Belgorod'da elektrik kesintileri ve su kesintileri bildirildi
8 ay önce
Residents of the Belgorod region are complaining about massive power outages. There is no electricity throughout the entire region: in Belgorod and its suburbs, in the Belgorod, Valuysky, Shebekinsky districts, the city of Stary Oskol and other settlements, local Telegram channels write. The channels, citing power engineers, report that there will be no electricity until 13:00 Moscow time. The cause of the accident is not specified.
8 ay önce
The Agreement on free trade between Serbia and China enters into force
President of the European Commission: European companies will sign deals worth more than 40 billion euros with Egyptian partners
The US sanctioned three entities and eleven vessels for trading oil and petrochemical products with Iran
Statement: The European Union imposes sanctions on financiers of Hamas
Gazprom, İran'la Rusya'nın doğalgaz tedarikine ilişkin bir mutabakat anlaşması imzaladı. Rus Gazprom, İran Ulusal Gaz Şirketi (NIGC) ile Rus boru hattı gazının İran'a tedarikine ilişkin bir mutabakat anlaşması imzaladı
Avrupa Birliği ülkeleri Belarus'a yönelik yeni yaptırım paketi üzerinde anlaştı
Per @USTreasury, Iran' network of exchange houses & companies in HongKong UAE & Marshall Islands moved moved hundreds of millions for dollars’ worth of revenue from oil sales, currency exchangesThe money is then used to procure/develop drones & other weaponry
US looking to undercut Iran's “shadow banking” networkPer @USTreasury, Washington's sanctioned 50 entities, individuals used by Iran's military & IRGC "to gain illicit access to the international financial system & process the equivalent of billions of dollars since 2020"
US Treasury: Imposing sanctions on entities linked to the Iranian Ministry of Defense
Washington imposes new sanctions on Iran
8 ay önce
Egyptian Prime Minister: We have a fuel procurement crisis, not an energy generation crisis
The European Union imposes sanctions on a research center affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard
Rusya'nın Ukrayna'ya karşı saldırganlık savaşına ilişkin 14. yaptırım paketi: @EUCouncil, 69 kişi ve 47 kuruluşu daha kara listeye aldı
EU sanctions people undermining the stability of Sudan: Abdulrahman Juma Barakallah (RSF)RSF financial adviser; Tribal leader of Mahamid clan (RSF); Director General Defense Industry System (SAF); Commander Air Force Ali Karti (Islamist/SAF)
State Commission of Inquiry on "Submarines Affair" warns Netanyahu he is suspected of running an illegal backchannel to benefit cronies from military acquisitions & may face criminal charges re: "profound impropriety in decision-making &risking national security."
8 ay önce
British Manchester Airport suspends flights due to the disruption caused by the power outage
8 ay önce
Kyiv şehir yönetimi, başkentteki elektrik santralinde patlama olduğu yönündeki bilgiyi yalanladı. Kyiv'deki tüm termik santrallerin normal şekilde çalıştığını kaydettiler
ABD Hazinesi Rusya'ya yönelik yeni yaptırımları açıkladı
Network data show major disruptions to internet connectivity in Montenegro corresponding to power outages also impacting neighbouring countries amidst a regional heatwave; the incident is caused by a fire on a power line per initial reports