29 Ocak 2025
5 ay önce
"Kursk saldırısının" ardından. Rus Gazprom, Ukrayna üzerinden Avrupa'ya 37,3 milyon metreküp gaz sevkiyatına devam edeceğini duyurdu
Libyan Oil Corporation: Declaring a state of force majeure in the Sharara field
Rus Muhafızları Kursk nükleer santralindeki güvenlik önlemlerini güçlendirdi - açıklama
Uganda central bank cuts its key lending rate to 10
5 ay önce
An explosion and subsequent fire occurred at the Transneft oil refinery in Usinsk (Komi Republic) - Baza.
5 ay önce
The former head of the clothing department of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Demchik, was arrested on suspicion of receiving a bribe in the amount of 4 million rubles, the Investigative Committee reported.
Libya's largest crude field, El Sharara, has almost completely ceased production, a source with direct knowledge of its operations told Argus. Some crude is being kept online so the 640MW power plant at Ubari can continue to generate electricity. This plant usually burns around 10,000-15,000 barrels in 24 hours of crude. El Sharara was producing around 260,000-270,000 barrels in 24 hours before it was ordered to shut down on 3 August
Google has violated US antitrust law with its search business, federal judge rules, handing the tech giant a staggering court defeat
5 ay önce
The head of the Patriot park, Akhmedov, and the deputy head of the Main Directorate for Innovative Development of the RF Ministry of Defense, Shesterov, were detained and are suspected of fraud
A fire broke out at a substation in Volgograd, Russia, during the night. Russian media report that the city experienced power issues
Belgorod bölgesinin Gubkinskiy bölgesindeki petrol deposuna drone'lar saldırdı
Tanzanian government announces inclusion of 54 villages in carbon trade
5 ay önce
Chevron to move headquarters to Houston
President Mnangagwa has arrived in Chirumanzu District where he will commission the rebuilt Holy Cross Dam.n: Justin Mutenda
5 ay önce
Krasnodar Krai'nin Tikhoretsk bölgesindeki trafo merkezi insansız hava araçlarıyla saldırıya uğradı
Rusya'da Omsk petrol rafinerisi yanıyor. Rus medyasının iddia ettiği gibi AVT-10 işlem ünitesi yanıyor6 ay önce
Rusya'da Omsk petrol rafinerisi yanıyor. Rus medyasının iddia ettiği gibi AVT-10 işlem ünitesi yanıyor
A court in Moscow sent the former general directors of Voentorg and Voentorg-retail to pre-trial detention in a case of embezzlement of funds from the Ministry of Defense. The Moscow Meshchansky Court sent Vladimir Pavlov and Timur Isakov into custody until September 306 ay önce
A court in Moscow sent the former general directors of Voentorg and Voentorg-retail to pre-trial detention in a case of embezzlement of funds from the Ministry of Defense. The Moscow Meshchansky Court sent Vladimir Pavlov and Timur Isakov into custody until September 30
China bans the sale of all civilian drones capable of military use
US Department of State: Houthi attacks continue to disrupt freedom of navigation in the Red Sea. Today, we're sanctioning two individuals and four entities connected to the Houthis’ procurement of weapons and acquisition of military-grade and dual-use equipment
US says it sanctioned 5 people and 7 entities based in Iran and China that have facilitated procurements of critical components for Iran’s ballistic missile and UAV programs
Yüksek gerilim trafo merkezinde meydana gelen kaza nedeniyle Kerç ve yakındaki köylerde 360'tan fazla trafo merkezi elektriksiz kaldı, 53 binden fazla kişi elektriksiz kaldı - mesleki yetkililer
Kerç'teki 4 elektrik trafo merkezinde çıkan yangının ardından elektrik kesintisi yaşandı
The US Treasury: Imposing sanctions on 5 individuals and 7 entities in Iran, China, and Hong Kong
Ukrayna Silahlı Kuvvetleri Genelkurmay Başkanlığı, Kursk bölgesinin Vozy kasabasındaki "43. lojistik merkezi"nin petrol deposunun gece boyunca hedef alındığını iddia etti
6 ay önce
The Iranian President during his inauguration ceremony: I will strive to lift the embargo on Iran
6 ay önce
The IRGC Navy confiscates a second vessel in less than a week. The Togolese-flagged vessel was captured near Arash oil rig in north of the Persian Gulf. The IRGCN says the tanker was smuggling 700,000 liters of fuel. The Pearl G had 9 Indian crew aboard
Slovak rafinerisi Slovnaft, Ukrayna'nın Rus ham petrol geçişini yakın zamanda yeniden başlatmaması halinde Ukrayna'ya dizel tedarikini durduracak - Slovak Başbakanı Fico
Ethiopia's birr currency sank 30% against the dollar on Monday to 74.73 per dollar, the biggest commercial lender said, after the central bank removed restrictions on foreign currency trading
"Moldova bir BDT (Bağımsız Devletler Topluluğu) üyesidir; sıfır siyasi çoğulculuk, sıfır medya çoğulculuğu, demokrasiyle ilgili ciddi sorunlar, yolsuzluk, Avrupa'nın en yozlaşmış devletlerinden biri; şu anda Moldova'nın AB'ye katılım müzakereleri var ve Gürcistan Başbakanı Irakli Kobakhidze, "Bu tam bir adaletsizliktir" dedi.
6 ay önce
Former Deputy Defense Minister Dmitry Bulgakov was detained,- the FSB reported. The general is being investigated for corruption, he was placed in a pre-trial detention center